In the future, a strict environmental law causes paper to become a rare good. Printing is a crime. A series of murders brings Arthur, an English academic with distant Italian origins, to take the complex and clue-filled path made centuries before by Dante and Hieronymus Bosch (the painter of the Seven Deadly Sins). He finds himself entangled in the complex web of symbology and must overcome his deepest fears to shed light on the ritual murders inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins. As Arthur works to solve the murders, he discovers an ancient world willing to do anything to protect its secret society and ancient secrets.

Starring: Rutger Hauer, Michael Madsen, Christopher Lambert, Franco Nero, William Baldwin

Directed By: Louis Nero

Running Time: 120 min

Language: English

Categories: | Sci Fi |

Rights Available: Contact for info

Contact Marc Bruder  for details or call 310-829-2222

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