A group of college kids' weekend getaway turns into a test of the survival of the fittest. Director Jeremy Benson's newest film is a taut thriller that looks at the seedy world of the White Slave trade. Wayne (John Still: Hustle & Flow/Black Snake Moan/The Poor & Hungry) and his brute henchman, Edgar, will stop at nothing to fill orders for international slave traders. Inside a horse stable, Wayne has stalls filled with young adults. The men destined to work in foreign mines; the women are to be turned out in brothels around the globe. Wayne & Edgar attempt to break the new herd of college kids. One by one, the college kids are sold or killed. Knowing their fate is about to be sealed, two of the remaining group - Nick and Erin - make a desperate attempt to escape.

Starring: Christian Walker, John Still, Jeanette Comans, Patrick Cox

Directed By: Jeremy Benson

Running Time: 84 min

Language: English

Categories: | Horror | Thriller |

Rights Available: Contact for info

Contact Marc Bruder  for details or call 310-829-2222

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