The comedic tale of a pretentious filmmaker (Monty Zuchard) as he follows a feeble two-man band (The Beverages) around Boston in hopes of exposing the dire state of today's popular music and 'art.' It begins as a how-to on what not to be or do if you strive to be a musician or artist of any kind, but quickly turns into an uncharted sea of street performances, sleazy music video tycoons, and slapstick comedy.

Starring: Aden Hakimi, Adam Henry Garcia, Scott Michael Adams, Gillian Mackay-Smith, Susie Schutt

Directed By: Scott Michael Adams, Adam Henry Garcia

Running Time: 83 min

Language: English

Categories: | Comedy |

Rights Available: Contact for info

Contact Marc Bruder  for details or call 310-829-2222